EBSCO Publishing – Comprising 12 international information database represents the largest collection of journals and reference editions which include: more than 11000 papers in almost every field of science and business. Full articles from the top American newspapers, about 100 000 electronic books. please, see the link EBSCO
This collection is also distinguished by extremely convenient and effective search engine. It is available for any authorized user connected to the Internet.
is a database that includes journals published by the University of Cambridge since 1997 in all fields of science, including: Law, Biology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, Management, Sociology , International Relations, Psychology, Art, Mass Media, Communication and others. The database includes journals with a Thomson Reuters citation index, with over 1.8 million articles and 46,000 books.
Royal Society Journals Collection
is a database comprising of high impact factor journals of various titles in the fields of Physics, Biological Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, including Philosophical Transactions A and B, and Proceedings A and B included in the Royal Society Journals Collection of Great Britain. The database includes the Royal Society digital archive from 1665.
e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection
offers journals in the following fields: Politics, Scientific Studies, Art History, Cultural Studies, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Gender, International Relations, Regional and Religious Studies, Sociology and Social Theory, African Studies, Asian Studies, Health Care. The database offers journals from Scopus publishing with high index citing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Journals and Development Studies e-books - offers journals and books on humanities and economics. Books on public and social governance, corporate governance, finance, health, innovation studies, migration, infrastructure development, leadership institute, humanism, intellectual property studies, legal and other research development.
European Respiratory Journal
clinical and experimental medicine base, introducing articles in biology, epidemiology, immunology, oncology, etc. At this stage, the journal’s impact factor is 33.8 and it belongs to the European Respiratory Society.
The database includes the journals available on SAGE publishing platform, the main direction of which is mechanical engineering. Journals cover almost all fields of engineering, since 1847. Most of the articles are cited in Thomson Reuters Journal, and each journal is published in SCOPUS indexed journals list.
SAGE Premier - SAGE is a global academic publisher of a collection of books, journals and library products, featuring scholarly articles from top-rated journals in the humanities, social sciences, business, and medicine. 65% of SAGE journals are in the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (JCR).
Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals - The base includes mathematical scientific and research publications focusing on developing software for publishing and on assisting and creating top-level scientific-research publications. The database includes 17 peer-reviewed journals from mathematics and related disciplines, the main fields of which are: mathematics, mechanics, engineering.
Openedition Journals - French-language journals in the humanities and social sciences, available in HTML, PDF and ePUB formats. There are also articles in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Currently, 95% of 150,000 articles are available in full text. Most articles are published in more than one language.
The Company of Biologists’ Journals - introduces a journal covering the fields of developmental, cell science, and experimental biology whose publications are dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. The base includes five journals in the field of biology: Development, Journal of Cell Science; Journal of Experimental Biology; Disease Models & Mechanisms; Biology Open.
Fields: information technologies, software, data analytics, cyber security, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer networks, multimedia technologies. The database provides access to 70 journals (current and archival issues), 200 conference proceedings, newspapers, websites and multimedia files. Also computer literature guides, abstracts, cited works, etc. ACM Digital Library database gives Georgian scientists the opportunity to publish articles in its own open access journals for free!
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Access to Scopus provides a comprehensive record of 21,000 scholarly journals, in total more than 50 million records of worldwide research output in science, technology, health, social sciences, and humanities.
Scopus provides smart tools that help researchers explore, analyze and visualize research, with this database it is possible to identify existing trends, increase research visibility, build a collaborative network, improve funding opportunities and explain the value of research to your organization.
Funding Institutional - Assists the researcher in identifying funding opportunities in a timely manner, thereby informing the strategy of research programs. It offers funding from approximately 5,000 public and private organizations, information is provided on more than 5.7 million awarded research grants already funded in a variety of fields, from a variety of funders, as well as 23,000 active and recurring funding opportunities.
ScienceDirect - is the world authoritative scientific electronic database, which includes 4089 title journals, 28718 books, a total of more than two million full-text articles. ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading information platform for researchers, educators, students, health professionals and information professionals. ScienceDirect provides answers to scientific questions based on reliable, high-quality, interdisciplinary research.
1. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
2. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
3. Open Library
6. FreeFullPDF
7. National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
8. National Scientific library
9. Dentistry
10. American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
12. Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
15. moh.gov.ge