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    Multimedia Centre Career Development Service Alumni Library

    Caucasus International University electronic library is available on the following web address elibrary.edu.ge. It represents bilingual (Georgian and English) electronic internet resources only for Caucasus International University students and academic personnel. University e-mail – (namesurname@ciu.edu.ge) is required for the authorization in the system.

    Books are categorized in accordance with educational programs in the electronic library. The library contains textbooks in different languages. The books are uploaded on the above-mentioned resource only after the agreement with the authors. Furthermore, the agreement defines to make the textbook only readable of downloadable as well in pdf format.

    A student can search for the electronic version of the desired book by category, language, and keywords (for example author, title, ISBN, etc.)

    The electronic library is accessible only to registered users in the internal and external network of the university; thus, it serves as a useful resource during the academic process for students as well as for academic personnel.