President of Lviv Institute of National Academy for Public Administration visited CIU on October 18, 2018. Kakhaber Kordzaia, CIU Rector, Alexandre Rusetski, Head of the Laboratory of Caucasus Geopolitical Modeling of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Svetlana Kirakosyan, Coordinator in Cooperation with Foreign Universities and Educational-Scientific Organizations at International Relations Department and Vakhtang Svanadze, CIU Associate Professor met Vladimer Zagorsky, Director of Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Georgian side introduced the history of the foundation and development of the university to Ukrainian guest. Furthermore, they discussed faculties, educational programs, university priorities and international collaboration. Vladimer Zagorsky referred to the activities of Lviv Institute of National Academy for Public Administration. Both sides focused on the format of future collaboration and plans which envisage annual scientific conferences, development of joint research issues and projects and organization of joint video-conferences. In addition, the Ukrainian side also expressed its readiness to publish CIU representatives’ scientific papers in peer-reviewed and high-indexed editions.
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