An information meeting-webinar of the internationally accredited legal database #HeinOnline was held by the initiative and organization of the Georgian Integrated Library Information System Consortium on April 12.
The meeting was chaired by Roxanne Marmion, #HeinOnline’s e-Resources Official Representative, who introduced in details to the attending universities the full volume content of the database, including history books, monographs, Supreme Court cases, international arbitrations, various online materials as well as diverse legal journals.
The speaker explained to the audience in detail the different, flexible systems of database search. The training was attended by the head of Caucasus International University Library.
We would like to remind you that Caucasus International University students and faculty have access to HeinOnline, a leading online research platform that offers more than 199 million webpages of multidisciplinary periodicals, major government documents, international resources, precedential law and many more publications.
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