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    Caucasus International University is a higher educational institution equipped with modern infrastructure and technology. The university offers three stages (undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs).

    Regulations on student status acquisition, suspension, termination, and restoration, mobility, awarding of qualification, rules of recognition of education and student rights, except regulations set by the legislation are clearly and transparently reflected in the internal regulatory documents of the University.


    Obtaining Student Status

    Student Status is obtained in compliance with The rule for the planning of student contingent and student enrolment (Articles 5 and 9) created according to regulations established by legislation.

    The status of a student at the first and second levels of higher education implemented by the university shall be obtained only through the Unified national exams or unified graduate exams (according to the level of instruction) in accordance with the applicable legislation of Georgia.

    Suspension of Student Status

    Student status is suspended in accordance to Regulation for Academic Process Articles 12 and 13. Suspension of student status involves exempting University and a student from the duties and responsibilities envisaged within the academic process, caused by non-fulfilment of relevant duties or possible failure in fulfilment. Suspension of student status is temporary and is suspended on the basis of an agreement between the parties. Afterwards, the student’s rights are fully reinstated or terminated.

    The basis for suspension of student status is as follows:

    a) personal statement;

    b) financial obligation;

    c) going abroad with the purpose of studying;

    d) illness or any similar condition making it impossible for a person to be involved in the student life;

    e) not going through administrative registration.

    The maximum term for suspending student status is 5 years (from the moment it is suspended). In case of not restoring student status during the period mentioned, the person’s student status is terminated.

    Termination of Student Status

    Student status is terminated in accordance to Regulation for Academic Process Articles 12 and 14. Termination of student status involves exempting a person from every duty and responsibility conferred within student status in case of inability of achieving learning outcomes, committing improper action as a student or other cases envisaged in the Legislation.

    Student Status Restoration

    Student status is restored in accordance to Regulation for Academic Process Article 15.

    • The student with a suspended status, is entitled to restore it within 5 years on the basis of a personal statement in compliance with the requirements in the present Article. A status can be restored at any time without involvement in the academic process;
    • With the purpose of involving in the academic process student status restoration is possible within the terms for administrative registration determined by University;
    • In exceptional cases, student status may be restored within 4 weeks after the start of academic process;
    • During status restoration, a student has to pay tuition fee for the ongoing term. The tuition fee paid by the period of status suspension in the current term shall not be included in the account for the ongoing term;
    • The tuition fee paid by the period of suspending student status can be transferred to the account for the ongoing term in case the student suspended status with an own statement within 4 weeks after starting classes. The similar practice is applied if a student requires to suspend status during the term due to illnesses or being abroad for studying and submits relevant documents;
    • A receipt, confirming payment of tuition fee for the ongoing term must be attached to the statement for restoring student status.


    The mobility process is organized in accordance with legislation and internal regulation documents - Mobility, Internal Mobility and Credit Recognition Regulation, Article 3 and Rule for Student Contingent Planning and Enrolment, Articles 10, 11 and 12 define the mobility regulations:

    • A student who has been enrolled in an authorized higher education institution in accordance with the procedure established by law has the right to mobility (transfer to a higher education institution from another higher education institution);
    • The right to mobility is awarded to a student after studying for a year in the active status;
    • After registration on portal and gaining positive answer on mobility, mobility applicants are obliged to present all the documents that are mandatory for the enrolment of the student on the relevant level at the University; also, if the recognition of the academic courses passed is required, the applicants will have to submit the academic record; if necessary, additional documents (curricula, syllabi) should be submitted.
    • The University examines the student's personal file and makes a decision on the recognition of the academic courses studied by the mobility applicant in accordance with this Rule and the Rule on Credit Recognition;
    • The applicant is obliged to read the credit recognition document and to confirm his/her consent by signing it. If the applicant does not sign the credit recognition document at the time specified by the University, his/her documents will not be transferred to further procedures;
    • The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement will consider the enrolment project and the attached documents submitted by the University; on this basis the document of consent to the mobility shall be issued;
    • The applicant is entitled to refuse the mobility enrolment on the basis if his/her application before the Rector’s Order on the mobility is issued.
    • Mobility applicants will be entitled to enroll at the University in case of the positive conclusion on their enrolment issued by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement;
    • The Rector of the University shall issue the Order on the mobility enrolment, no later than the first of October for the autumn semester, and the first March- for the spring semester mobility process;
    • The planning of the student's further learning process is based on the credit recognition.

    Internal Mobility

    Internal mobility rules and procedures are regulated in accordance to Mobility, Internal Mobility and Credit Recognition Regulation, Article 2:

    • Changing an education program within the framework of internal mobility at Caucasus International University can be applied by a student with an active status after completion of one term;
    • A student with a suspended status can change an education program within the framework of mobility only after restoring the status;
    • The terms and deadlines of statement submission and process completion for internal mobility is determined by a decree issued by Rector;
    • Extra preconditions are not determined for changing programs within the framework of internal mobility. Due to program peculiarities, some specific preconditions may be set related to the process of internal mobility by Rector’s decree;
    • The statements submitted by the candidates for internal mobility are considered by Program Supervisors with Faculty Quality Assurance Service. A conclusion for credit recognition is prepared after discussion for each student, signed by Program supervisor, Coordinator of Faculty Quality Assurance and Faculty Dean;
    • Rector’s decree on changing a program within the framework of mobility is prepared on the basis of the conclusion of credit recognition;
    • Academic term for students is determined in accordance with recognized credits and preconditions of the subjects to be taken;
    • The decree on program changes within the framework of internal mobility is depicted in university academic base and Student Registry of Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia;
    • A copy of decree on program changes within the framework of internal mobility is sent to National Center for Education Quality Enhancement within the deadline determined in accordance with Legislation.

    Conferring Qualification

    The procedure of conferring qualification is defined in accordance to Regulation for Academic Process, Article 20 which describes official procedures for conferring qualification in case of academic plan.

    Procedure for Issuing Educational Document

    After the completion of educational program and conferring qualification, a graduate is awarded a diploma in accordance to The Rules for the Storage-Use and Register-Report of the Diploma and Its Supplement Forms. The above mentioned rule, defines the procedures for issuing diploma except the regulations for working out diploma pattern, approving the pattern and storage:

    • Diploma pattern shall be completed on the basis of the Rector’s Decree within 4 months from the date of issuing the act;
    • Filled-in diplomas are registered in diploma registration journal;
    • Filled-in diploma copies are stored in a graduate’s personal file;
    • Submission of ID (passport) is necessary for issuing a Diploma;
    • A letter of attorney and agent’s identity card (passport) must be submitted in order to issue a diploma. In this case, the letter of attorney is stored together with the copy of a diploma;
    • An owner of the diploma or agent confirms the receiving of diploma by signing in diploma registration journal.

    Recognition of Learning Outcomes

    The learning outcomes are recognized in accordance to Regulation for Academic Process, Article 19 and Mobility, Internal Mobility and Credit Recognition Regulation, Articles 4, 5 and 6.

    Mechanisms for Protecting Students’ Lawful Rights (Appeal Procedures)

    Students are entitled to protest results of a midterm/final examination to Appeal Commission of the Faculty in a written form in 3 days after becoming familiar with the results. When the marks are inserted in the electronic academic management system this point is considered as becoming familiar with the results. The Appeal Commission is obliged to review protests within 2 working days and make relevant decisions – the refusal for satisfaction of the complaint due to the groundless of the statement or submitting the examination paper to another professor for re-evaluation. In case of more than 10% difference in the assessment on the basis of the reevaluation, the examination paper is submitted to the third marker. On the basis of the results, the commission makes a decision to adjust the point applying arithmetic average. The decision made by the Appeal Commission is final and cannot be appealed. (Regulation for Academic Process, Article 9/18)

    A student is entitled to appeal Rector’s decree on termination student status within 5 days after becoming familiar with the degree. Information changes on status in the student electronic base is considered as becoming familiar with the degree. The appeal is reviewed by Rector with the Dean of the corresponding faculty and a coordinator of Quality assurance within 5 days after its reception. (Regulation for Academic Process, Article 13/8)

    Student status termination and annulling educational agreement is appealed in court in compliance with the regulation determined by the Legislation, according to the location of University. (Regulation for Academic Process, Article 14/5)

    A student applies with a statement to Dean/Rector with the purpose of protecting his/her rights and legal interests in case of necessity. If his/her complaint or claims are not satisfied, a student receives a written substantiation about refusal within 3 working day to university electronic mail. (Regulation for Academic Process, Article 16/4)

    Violations of the rules of conduct determined by the Code shall be considered by the Ethics Commission (except for plagiarism, the procedure for which is determined by the "Plagiarism Detection and Response Rule"), which determines what kind of disciplinary penalty is justified in a specific case. (Code of Ethics Article 16/1)

    A student or an employee who believes that the decision is based on the wrong facts or does not coincide with a previously made decision on a similar case, may appeal against the decision at the Rector. (Code of Ethics Article 20/1)

    The Dean of the Faculty in agreement with the Rector in connection with a Bachelor’s or Baster’s thesis shall submit an application and attached materials to the person concerned who shall study the thesis and submit a relevant conclusion within 10 days in case of the occasion indicated in the 2nd paragraph of the 6th article. The conclusion shall be discussed at the Appeal Committee of the Faculty to which the author shall also be invited to state his/her own opinion. The decision on the existence/non-existence of plagiarism is made by the Appeal Committee of the Faculty. (Plagiarism Detection and Response Rule Article 7/1)

    In case of plagiarism detection in a doctoral student’s research component or doctoral thesis as well as in academic personnel’s research activities, the Rector shall order to set up a Commission within 10 days, which will be staffed by qualified specialists of the respective field both from the university personal (if there is no conflict of interest) and invited experts. (Plagiarism Detection and Response Rule Article 8/1).

    In case the fact of plagiarism is confirmed, the relevant decision can be appealed within 15 days after the decision of the Academic Council. (Plagiarism Detection and Response Rule Article 9/1).

    Students’ complaints related to credit recognition are reviewed by Quality Assurance Service and corresponding recommendations are presented to the commission. (Mobility, Internal Mobility and Credit Recognition Regulation Article 7/1).

    The Appeal Commission is created at the faculty, which examines the complaints of students and lecturers related to the educational process.

    The decision of the Appeals Commission can be appealed in court as a general rule. (Regulation of the Faculty)

    Academic Process Management System “Goni” ensures:

    • To make all the necessary information available electronically for the individuals who are engaged/interested in academic process;
    • To facilitate easy and fast communication between administration, professors, invited specialists and students at the university;
    • Automation of ongoing processes in the university and to facilitate the functioning of the academic process.

    Goni” system is available from any place with an electronic device connected to internet: goni.ciu.edu.ge

    Goni makes the following things available for students:

    • Academic program;
    • Registration of academic courses;
    • Academic performance;
    • Materials provided by lecturers;
    • Academic and examination schedules;
    • Control personal financial condition;
    • Easy means for communicating with academic personnel.

    Career Development Service functions at HEI, where students are able to obtain appropriate consultations and support in relation to career development. Career Development Service provides career information for students and alumni, including future career and employment opportunities and labor market monitoring reports, promotion and development of career management competencies, career counseling in specific topic activities, their involvement in internships and employment programs. The portal gives the opportunity to subscribe information that makes it more flexible for students and alumni to get the information they need.

    HEI ensures that students obtain information and become engaged in various university, local and international projects and events. In addition, it facilitates the support of student initiatives.

    In parallel to active academic process and activities, the University places emphasis on a diverse student life. The university Service of Youth, Sports and Culture promotes sports, cultural-creative, educational and artistic activities, taking into consideration the talents and wishes of students. Furthermore, the Service supports the popularization of healthy lifestyle among students. For this reason, student initiatives, projects, educational, sports, intellectual, creative and other activities are supported and funded. The university student life is interesting, active and busy.

    Student Self-Governance is student representative body at the university. They constantly nurture on making students’ university life more diverse.

    Tuition fees can be paid in the following banks:

    ♦ TBC Bank - payment can be made through the bank operator /TBC automatic banking/bill payment machine/TBS Bank internet banking

    ♦ Bank of Georgia – payment can be made through Bank of Georgia banking/bill payment machine

    ♦ Basis Bank - payment can be made through the bank operator

    Note: During payment, you should use the utility payment method. Then, you choose function - education, university and indicate your personal number. The payment is instantly reflected in Goni.

    Identification code: 201951637