CIU Faculty of Business and Technology combines the most required professions in Georgia and offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs.
Qualified professors, university academic personnel and visiting specialists at the faculty enable students to gain high quality education.
The faculty constantly tries to connect students with potential employers in public and private sector organizations by means of organizing teaching practice as well as outdoor lecture-seminars. The strategic aim of the faculty is to maintain the achieved results and enjoy further success.
CIU Faculty of Business and Technology unites the most demanding specialties in Georgia and offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs to interested individuals:
Undergraduate Educational Program in Finances
The practical component of Undergraduate Educational Program in Finances is implemented in various leading companies. The university also provides internship of students in banking sector, insurance companies, and micro-financial organizations with the perspective of future employment. Outdoor lectures in various financial organizations of Georgia are also organized for program students. The faculty offers the School of Technical and Economic Analysis of Securities, which implements its activities in virtual space of stock exchange. A student becomes familiar with risk management, psychology of trading, practical aspects of stock exchange commerce, analysis and critical comprehension of information about capital market.
Undergraduate Educational Program in Management is oriented on modern standards. During academic process, the special emphasis is placed on innovative directions for Georgian business-educational field, such as: preparation and presentation of team projects, industrial and business plans. Alongside theoretical teaching, the business incubator established on the basis of the faculty provides the development of practical skills. It facilitates generation, accumulation and realization of business ideas. Projects are selected according to contest results. The presentation of the winner is presented to representatives invited from outside business sector in leading Georgian organizations. The students are given opportunity to participate in different international projects.
Within the framework of Undergraduate Educational Program in Tourism students study academic courses which provide the development of practical skills; for example: academic course “International Booking Systems”, is offered by a representative of travel Agency “Discover Georgia” and as a result, students will develop skills necessary for managing national and international booking systems in tourism business. The program enables students to study standards and needs of modern tourism business environment. Within the frame of Tourism Program students will be able to study popular and significant hotel management program in Georgia and in the world - “Opera”, which is introduced by European hotel brands. In hotel industry management system Opera is known as OPERA (PMS), which in its turn, represents a complex software; it is used in order to coordinate front-office, sales, planning and other services. students will be awarded certificates (in English and Georgian) after studying the program. The program enables students to study standards and needs of modern tourism business environment.
Undergraduate Programs in Information Technologies Offered in Georgian and English Languages
Undergraduate program in Information Technologies is available in both Georgian and English languages. The programs are focused on developing practical as well as theoretical skills.
Students have the opportunity to develop all the skills in the field of information technology during their studies, which will help them become competitive and help them get employed in both local and international markets.
The programs are taught using innovative methods, namely, the basics of graphic design, WEB application programming, Front-End development, Back-End development, hybrid mobile applications, database administration, network administration, etc. Students prepare real-life projects and have the opportunity to create their own portfolios to present to employers. An important part of the program is the IT project management course, which summarizes the previously acquired knowledge. Students are divided into teams based on common interests, choose real projects, and each team works independently during the semester. This process is under the supervision of the professor. The course is aimed at developing such valuable skills as autonomy and responsibility. In the last semester of the program, students are offered internships at leading institutions and submit a BA project for defense.
Postgraduate Educational Program in International Business Management is one of the most required programs. The annually increasing number of MA candidates can serve as a proof. Highly competitive staff, corresponding to modern market requirements, are prepared within the framework of Postgraduate Program in International Business Management; they are ready to become employed in various international companies. The use of innovative teaching methods, acquiring practical and theoretical research skills are emphasized within the frame of the program.
Postgraduate Program in International Marketing
Postgraduate Educational Program in International Marketing is offered in Georgian and English languages. The strength of the program is orientation on producing international marketing specialist. The program consists of all the components which are required for developing skills necessary for a specialist and corresponding to Master’s international degree. The academic courses of the program enable students to obtain wide and at the same time deep professional knowledge about international market indicators.
It is envisaged to engage American and European professors in the implementation of Postgraduate Educational Program in International Marketing. It will facilitate high professionalism of Postgraduate students and their integration in the world.
Doctoral Educational Program in Business Administration
Doctoral Program in Business Administration focuses on preparing highly qualified scientists-researchers and academic staff for the academic field of Business Administration. The program is fully equipped with the appropriate material-technical base. The scientific value and practical relevance of the research outcomes are ensured by the direct involvement of highly qualified professors working at the faculty of Business and Technology of Caucasus International University in the research and practical implementation of significant issues of business development and improvement.
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