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    Multimedia Centre Career Development Service Alumni Library

    Language Centre is responsible to implement the following activities:

    1. Organization of written tests for admission to Master’s and Doctoral program in the English Language;
    2. Organization of the exams defining the language competences for the students with foreign citizenship and provision of preparation courses for them;
    3. Organization of the preparation courses for International examinations: FCE, CAE, TOEFL, IELTS;
    4. Organization of the language courses for all interested persons;
    5. Organization of training courses and workshops for lecturers/professors;
    6. Preparation of the tests for University Mandatory Course – General English;
    7. Ensuring translation of different documentation.

    Test for MA - Candidates - I

    Test for PhD candidates - I


    Room № 77

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 212)

    - Maya Khelaia - Head of Language Centre

    E-mail: maia.khelaia@ciu.edu.ge

    - Veriko Khutsishvili – English Department Coordinator of Life-Long Learning Service

    E-mail: veriko.khutsishvili@ciu.edu.ge