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    Multimedia Centre Career Development Service Alumni Library

    Scientific Research Department

    Sesili Gogiberidze

    Head of Scientific Research Department

    Room № 79

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension -181;184)

    E-mail: sesili.gogiberidze@ciu.edu.ge


    - Shorena Kurdadze – Deputy of Scientific Research Department

    E-mail: shorena.kurdadze@ciu.edu.ge

     - lika Chaduneli - Specialist of Scientific Research Department

    E-mail: lika.chaduneli@ciu.edu.ge


    Service of doctoral Studies

    Room 79 a

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension -149)

    Nino Mindiashvili

    Head of Service of doctoral Studies

    E-mail: nino.mindiashvili@ciu.edu.ge


     - Revaz Berulava - Ph.D coordinator

    E-mail: revaz.berulava@ciu.edu.ge


    International Relations Department

    Tako Laghidze

    Deputy Head of International Relations Department in the Direction of International Students Recruitment and Service

    Room № 507

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 197)

    E-mail: tako.laghidze@ciu.edu.ge

    - Svetlana Kirakosyan

    Coordinator in Cooperation with Foreign Universities and Educational-Scientific Organizations at International Relations Department

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension -109)

    E-mail: svetlana_kirakosian@ciu.edu.ge

     - Mariam Bakuradze

    Specialist of International Relations Department

    Email: masho.bakuradze@ciu.edu.ge

    - Ana Kasrashvili

    Specialist of International Relations Department

    Email: ana.kasrashvili@ciu.edu.ge 


    Academic Process Management Service

    Tamar Inasaridze

    Head of Academic Process Management Service

    Room №213

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension -108;198)

    E-mail: tamar.inasaridze@ciu.edu.ge


    - Jovana Ablotia – Deputy Head of Academic Process Management Service

    E-mail: jovana_ablotia@ciu.edu.ge

    - Giorgi Mkheidze - Specialist of Academic Process Management Service 

    E-mail: giorgi.mkheidze@ciu.edu.ge

    Service of Youth Affairs, Sports and Culture

    Amiran Sanikidze

    Head of Service of Youth Affairs, Sports and Culture

    Room № 705

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 180)

    E-mail: amiran.sanikidze@ciu.edu.ge


    Room № 214

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 189)

    - Zurab Kavtaria – Youth Activities and Sports Issues Coordinator of the Service of Youth Affairs, Sports and Culture

    E-mail: zurabi_kavtaria@ciu.edu.ge


    - Bakur Khubulava - Specialist of the Youth Affairs, Sports and Culture Service

    E-mail: bakur_khubulava@ciu.edu.ge

    Irakli Bandzava  - Specialist of the Youth Affairs, Sports and Culture Service

    E-mail: irakli.bandzava@ciu.edu.ge 

    Lifelong learning and Career Development Service

    Mariam Jatchvadze

    Head of Lifelong learning and Career Development Service

    Room № 703

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 445)

    E-mail: mariam.jatchvadze@ciu.edu.ge

    E-mail: career@ciu.edu.ge

    Room № 703

    Guram Liluashvili

    Specialist of Lifelong learning and Career Development Service

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 220)

    E-mail: gurami.liluashvili@ciu.edu.ge


    Room № 77;74

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 212;197)

    - Maya Khelaia - Head of Language Centre

    E-mail: maia.khelaia@ciu.edu.ge

    - Veriko Khutsishvili – English Department Coordinator of Life-Long Learning Service

    E-mail: veriko.khutsishvili@ciu.edu.ge

    Tea Javakhishvili

    Head of Student Service Office

    Room № 302

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 199)

    E-mail: tea_javakhishvili@ciu.edu.ge


    Room №302

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298 (Extension – 138; 139)

    Lela Gogiberidze – Specialist of Student Service Office

    E-mail: lela.gogiberidze@ciu.edu.ge

    Fatima Mamedova - Senior Specialist of Student Service Office

    E-mail: fatima.mamedovi@ciu.edu.ge


    Professional Education Centre

    Tea Osepashvili

    Head of Professional Education Centre

    Room № 415

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension -)

    E-mail: tea.osephashvili@ciu.edu.ge


    - Tatia Kereselidze - Vocational Student Affairs Specialist of Vocational Education Center

    Email: tatia.kereselidze@ciu.edu.ge

    Student Service Office

    Tea javakhishvili

    Head of Student Service Office

    Room № 302

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 199)

    Email: tea_javakhishvili@ciu.edu.ge

    Room № 302

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 138;139)

    Lela Gogiberidze – Specialist of Student Service Office

    Email: lela.gogiberidze@ciu.edu.ge

    Fati Mamedovi - Senior Specialist of Student Service Office

    Email: fatima.mamedovi@ciu.edu.ge

    Luka Janjgava - Specialist of Student Service Office

    Email: luka.janjgava@ciu.edu.ge


    Examination Centre

    Nika Kvlividze

    Head of Examination Centre

    E-mail: nika.kvlividze@ciu.edu.ge


    Room № 64 II Building

    (032) 2022 115; (032) 2611 298. (Extension - 440)


    Nino Karchkhadze

    Specialist of Examination Centre

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension – 423)

    Email: Examine_medicine@ciu.edu.ge


    Ketevan Zhizhiashvili

    Specialist of Examination Centre

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 430)

    Email: examine_agro@ciu.edu.ge


    Mariam Davituliani

    Specialist of Examination Centre

    (+995 32) 2022 115; (+995 32) 2611 298. (Extension - 430)
