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    Multimedia Centre Career Development Service Alumni Library

    The use of digital technology in practical and theoretical medicine is an important prerequisite for the development and improvement of the quality of medical services. That is why telemedicine is one of the most important directions of modern medicine, which is based on the remote exchange of information using computer and communication technologies, for patients’ diagnosis, treatment and prevention, as well as for the life-long learning and research of medical academic staff.

    Telemedicine significantly increases access to first aid, effectively provides patient care, and minimizes costs.

    The Telemedicine Center operating on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine at Caucasus International University remotely connects the subscriber (a student, university staff, etc.) with the consultant (qualified doctor, resident, PhD student, senior semester student) through the coordinator and vice versa.

    The center is an ideal tool and essential service in a COVID-19 pandemic-like emergency, both in terms of observing, communicating and supporting a student, as well as developing his or her clinical skills.

    The goal of the Telemedicine Center is to study Caucasus International University population, identify COVID-19-infected groups, determine the severity of the disease, and refer targets as needed (hotline, ambulance crews, Covid clinics); Furthermore, Telemedicine Center gives recommendations regarding Anti -Covid-19 Vaccination.

    The Telemedicine Center provides tele-trainings for academic staff, which is an opportunity for life-long professional education.

    The center will also provide online support to the geriatric patient contingent (e.g. patients with cognitive impairments) as part of its social responsibility.




    Telemedicine Center


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