CIU Announces Competition for Academic Positions
Contest Announcement for Academic Positions
Caucasus International University is pleased to announce competition for academic positions
Narrow Field – Journalism and Information
Field of Studies – Mass Communication
Academic position of Associate Professor – 2 vacant places.
Field of Studies – Journalism
Academic position of Asistent – 2 vacant places.
The contest is announced on October 29, 2024
In order to qualify for the academic position, applicants must submit the following documents from December 2 to December 4, 2024 inclusively to the committee:
- Statement to the contest committee, by indicating relevant field of study and academic position;
- Autobiography (CV);
- A copy of ID;
- One photo;
- Notarized copies of every educational documentation verifying the qualification;
- Educational document/s issued in a foreign country must be accompanied by a document of recognition in accordance with Georgian legislation;
- Document/s certifying scientific-pedagogical experience;
- List of scientific publications published during the last 5 years;
- Copies of certificates verifying participation in local and international conferences, seminars and trainings (under equal conditions preference will be given to candidates with more local and international conferences, seminars and trainings);
- Copies of documents certifying international scholarships and grants (if applicable);
- Certificate of conviction for a crime against sexual freedom and inviolability.
In order to qualify for the academic position of Associate Professor, the following documents are required:
- Academic degree of Doctor (PhD) or its equivalent academic degree;
- At least 3 years scientific-pedagogic experience at higher educational institution;
- Authorship/co-authorship of scientific publications in the relevant specialty/field during the last 5 years, (under equal conditions, preference will be given to the contestant who has more publications published abroad);
- Participation in local and international conferences, seminars and trainings during the last 5 years (under equal conditions preference will be given to candidates with more local and international conferences, seminars and trainings, scientific scholarships and grants);
- The vision of the courses that the applicant is willing to deliver after occupying academic position;
- Practical experience in working on educational program and syllabus;
- Under equal conditions, preference will be given to the contestant with professional work experience in a particular field;
- Under equal conditions, preference will be given to the contestant whose English language proficiency is confirmed;
Contest will be held in two stages:
- Short-listing candidates based on the submitted documents;
- Interview of the selected candidates with the committee/conducting lecture (online, if necessary).
Contest Terms and Conditions:
Contest application and appropriate documents must be submitted within the given deadlines;
The documents will be evaluated by the committee in order to define the correspondence of candidates’ applications with main criteria.
The first stage of the contest (evaluating submitted documents) will be held on December 5, 2024.
The second stage of the contest (if necessary) will be held on December 6, 2024;
The results will be announced on December 6, 2024.
The contestants’ documentations must be submitted to the following address: Room #701, VII Floor, 73 Chargali St., Tbilisi.
The documents of foreign contestants will be submitted electronically via the email:
Tel.: 261-12-98; 230-86-41; 210-52-03